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Author: axprok

Informed Consent

Informed consent includes both the process of sharing information and documenting that the process took place. To ensure that potential subjects can truly make informed…

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Thick Dialogue

An approach to interview taking.  In The Battle of Valle Giulia, Alessando Portelli defines “thick dialogue” as the dialogue, in which “questions arise dialectically from…

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A Moscow Multiplex Experience (spring 2013)

This is an article about the daily routine of a Moscow multiplex theater from The Village online magazine.  The article is in Russian.  

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Кинотеатр Аврора. Эшби Гейнс / Сто лет диалога со зрителем (2011)

В моем проекте я рассматриваю кинотеатр Аворора как место памяти. Аврора является старейшим кинотеатром в Санкт Петербурге. Очень важно, что этот кинотеатр находится на Невском…

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The Aurora Theater (St. Petersburg, Russia) A Century of Movie Going: The Aurora Theater (2011)

Ashby Gaines (Russian Studies Program, College of William and Mary)

For Abstract of the Research Paper in Russian Click Here. Чтобы прочитать краткое изложение статьи по-русски, нажмите кнопкой мышки здесь.


Vladimir Lenin once said, ‘Of all the arts, the most important for us is Cinema’. While this claim can be debated, The Aurora Theater has proven that cinema is a highly coveted art form in St. Petersburg. The Aurora Theater opened its doors under the name The Piccadilly Theater in 1913 and since then has been the oldest continuously operating movie theater of St. Petersburg. 

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